Thursday, June 10, 2010

My trip in hind view...

I know it's been a few days since I've posted, and that would be because we're on our "vacation" this year in good ole TRONA, CA. Okay, not that it's that great here, but this is where I grew up and just happens to be the dwelling place of my parents and most of my siblings. It's almost been a bit of a family reunion, except that one sister isn't here and is in Utah instead.

We've been here since June 5th, and the temps are excruciatingly HOT!! Something I did not like very much when I was younger but somehow survived it long enough to move away from.

Here's a synopsis of the trip so far.

  • Thomas takes this trip to learn to "Be a MAN", meaning stopping on the side of the road to stand and pee behind a bush. 
  • But only after he started to wet his pants in the car.  And this happening not too long after we started traveling. 
  • Got to attend a baby blessing for my niece, and the kids went swimming the same day. (Come on, it's vacation 100 plus temps... it was HOT,  it was at the home of the person hosting the get together, and it was so inviting. So the kids were in the water not ME!!) 
  • I had my first LARGE group photo shoot on Monday the 7th.  Prayed for clouds, I got them. But I also got WIND, which I didn't pray for. 
  • While I was at the photo shoot 30minutes away. Kaylee was at Grandma and Grandpa's house with her dad and everyone else, and managed to take a chunk out of her foot with an exercise bike.  YUCK is all I'm going to say.
  • Tuesday... I walked 2.7 miles, cleaned out my van, vacuumed it and then drove the 30 minutes to Ridgecrest, to have my sisters nurse friend take a look at Kaylee's injury. It was cleaned, and suture stripes were applied, and it was rewrapped with an ace bandage.  Great no beach swimming for her.
  • Wednesday -- 4 car caravan, turned a 3 and half hour trip into 5 hours, and joined a fifth car in Oxnard, Ca at Hometown Buffet for lunch paid for by my parents.  (That's a lot of people)
  • After dinner we turned into a 5 car caravan for a 30 minute drive up to Carpenteria State Beach Park for some fun in the sun.  People getting wet, and falling down, tide moving in, and things getting wet.  It was LOTS of fun!!
  • Thursday... we're all tired, and having a nice lazy day.  And I'm feeling the itch to go back home to Utah.   It's pretty up there!! 
  • Friday... will be our last day here... what to do?? 
  • Saturday ... our drive home with a few planned stops in Vegas, and Mesquite (Are you ready for that Cluttered Brain??)

I can go into more details that make these short synopsis more funny and will probably answer a lot of questions. But those stories will come, after I return home.  (Thank goodness my parents have internet at least or I'd be going crazy!!)
And Pictures will have to wait till I'm home as well. It's not working on this computer.  

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