Tuesday, May 31, 2011

First Day of Summer Break

Now that school is over and summer break is upon us, I am past all the yucky stage of this pregnancy, and the YEARBOOK for this year is done, I just might have a chance to catch up on my personal scrapbooking.  But first I want to try and keep track of what exactly we do this summer, granted most days will be "BORING", but at least for me it will help the next three months go by somewhat quicker, I hope. 

Because that's how much time is left before "little sister" will be here.  No... we don't know for sure what name we are going to use yet.  We have some we are considering, but nothing set in stone and probably won't have one for sure until after she is born. 

So today, I had my kids work on their bedrooms for 1 hour because they seriously need worked on.  So ... the girls set the oven timer for one hour and they worked really well.  It also kind of helped that I decided that ALL the blankets that were all over their room we would take to a laundry mat just to get it all done NOW.  So they got excited... and now tomorrow, we'll visit the laundry mat again to do the multiple loads of clothes that they have gathered from all over their room and off the floor and such... but I really want to get this DONE so that we can play most of the summer with minor details of maintaining the house. 

The kids played some Uno attack after their hour was up, and they have walked a lot of miles (or they rode their bikes) so they can log their walking for a primary activity that is running all summer long.  They are pretty excited about it.

We thought Katherine was going to have a game today finally since there wasn't any rain, and after showing up at the ball park and not seeing anyone there... I finally called the rainout hotline, and lo and behold... they canceled the games and the pictures for today... so that makes 5 games canceled because of the rain that they will now need to try and make up.  CRAZY TIMES. 

So we let the kids play for a little while and Chris played catch with Katherine for a little while until she ended up getting hit in the arm trying to catch a ball.  I ran Katherine home so she could get some ice on her arm,and went back to the park and after waiting a few more minutes everyone was ready to go.  Chris walked home with Heidi and Thomas while I drove Ethan home.  (The kids were asking if they could walk)

We came home and then made a trip to the library, which is sure to be the first of many this summer. Now we are stocked up on picture books to read to the boys and will make another trip back probably next week. 

And here are the first of many pages that I will do in the upcoming days. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Probably not the post you want to read about... but this is what I'm thinking about. 

Sad. Why? 

A friends son was shot in the head and she found him on her front door step several hours after he had been laying there. 

And after being in surgery, found out that he probably wouldn't survive. 

He passed away yesterday (May 17th).  And they have donated his organs. 

I can't even imagine how I would be dealing with this, and wish to let her know that I love her, and pray that she might feel some comfort right now.  What a hard time. 

And to think this happened only a few blocks from my house.  And I was in that very spot just hours before the this took place. 

I can't believe what goes through anyone's mind to be such a coward and not show their face or own up to what has happened.  I hope that the person responsible is caught and dealt with justly. 

I am glad to know that I can help this family out in the coming days as funeral arrangements are made and that maybe by doing this service, she might know of my love for her. 

Even though this son was 32, I am still thinking of holding on tight to my own children.  Because we really never know how long any one really does have here on Earth.