Monday, March 28, 2011

My third OB appointment.

I had my third OB appointment last week on Wednesday March 23rd.

I haven't really gained any weight -- which is fine with me, since I started this one about 20 pounds heavier then I wanted to be. My blood pressure was fine ...actually I think they said it was kind of low. And asked if I was having issues with dizziness very often. Of course, I said YES. Because I have had those issues.

We listened to the babies heartbeat and Ethan's expression when he hears it is just so priceless. He really is excited for a new baby to come!

They measured me for the first time this checkup and I measured at 17 when they think I am only 15 weeks along. (That's a story all on it's own) I have self proclaimed my due date to be Sept 6th rather than the Sept 14th date that the early ultrasound gave. So according to that, I was 16 weeks and measuring at 17 isn't such a big deal then.  But who knows, we'll find out more at the next appointment.

So the DR. said that's a big growth. Matter of fact thats a HUGE growth!

But now we have our Ultrasound scheduled for the 27th of April. Which is Kaylee's 12th birthday!

My morning sickness isn't as severe as it was a month ago. I still have issues with nausea but at least it isn't 24/7 as it used to be. And I'm starting to have a little more energy then I did in February.  I still get tired pretty easily though.  And my five kids seriously keep me busy.                                                               

Here are a few pictures that I've taken so far.

6 weeks- a few days after we found out we were expecting.
Taken January 18th, 2011 

This is around 11 weeks. 
Taken February 18th, 2011 

And this is the most recent one taken around 15 weeks. 
Taken March 17th, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How we Found out we were Expecting our 6th baby.

This was typed up back in January but I couldn't post it yet, because we hadn't told our families at that time. But now that the cats out of the bag... here's the "HOW we found out" story of this pregnancy.  

One week I noticed that I was extremely tired, and couldn't seem to stay awake. Didn't think anything of it since I'd just completed or at least tried to complete, a P90x video workout. My living room was clean still from the weekend, and I had time to do the workout.

Afterwards though, I was so sleepy tired. I thought it strange but pushed it aside. I just got a nap and felt better, slightly. But even stranger was the constant falling asleep around 8pm every night when usually I'm up till at least 10:30 or 11:00pm. I was falling asleep like this every night for the rest of the week.

I kept asking myself why in the heck I was so tired?? Well, afterall I was busy with coaching a girls basketball team after school every day intermixed with games and felt that maybe I was just getting burned out from that and needed extra sleep.

Then move onto the end of that week and Chris was reading in "Fit for Life" on the energy section and asked me if I thought I was lacking energy. Well, duh... of course I was!! I was so tired all the time and just couldn't function.

I ended up going on a run, in the car,  to the dollar store that evening and decided to pick "IT" up. You know what I'm talking about. The "IT" that may change your life and the way you feel about where you are in your life.

I had also realized that I hadn't had the visit from every woman's monthly visitor yet and I started getting nervous. For you see... I WAS DONE!! My husband was DONE!! Our kids were at a point where the two of us actually felt like we had some freedoms that we haven't had in a very long time. This was so not in my plan especially not right now.

But, nevertheless, I brought home the test, and was going to just wait till the next morning to take it. But something kept pulling at me to take it then. I take the test then and waited only but a few seconds to see the first line appear..... I was like that is the "Control" line right?? I turned the test device around and realized that the "control" line hadn't been reached yet. But that the line I saw was in fact the TEST line and then a few seconds later there were TWO Lines.... TWO LINES!!! Oh. MY. GOSH!!

I was scared to death to tell my husband because I thought he'd freak and hoping that maybe this test was just a false positive just threw it in the garbage and hoped it was wrong.

I went to church with my family the next day, but all I could think about was this new pretty 'terrifying" situation I was now faced with, and so far only I knew about it. I was crying in church... not the obnoxious out load where everyone knows someone is crying but the more silent but full of tears crying that my husband could tell something was up. He wrote me a note and asked what is wrong. But I looked at him and met his eyes... and I just started crying more. I couldn't bring myself to tell him for about 10 -15 minutes.

Finally I answered him back and said, "You'll hate me! But I think our "accident" is here. I'm sorry!"

He looked at me and with a slight grin on his face said, "Really?" I said, "Yes" (all while tears are running down my face)

I asked him if he was mad at me and he said, No. (Why would he be??)

But he did tell me that just earlier that week he had been thinking that maybe now it was time. And that he just kept putting that feeling off.

From that point on we decided we wouldn't tell anyone unless they started asking. I couldn't last very long without telling "a few" people. So I told someone at school so I had someone from there that "understands" me right now. And I ended up telling a few people at church. So at least now I feel like I can talk with someone and not have to go through this silently.

But the decision is easy now for us, because we know we are done after this baby. That's right I said BABY!!! We're expecting baby #6. And I think I'm still in denial right now ...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My testimony and a little announcement.

Well the cat is out of the bag now!! I've been dying not being able to let it out so publicly.  But these are the way in which we let our parents know.   Now there won't be any holding me back talking about this pregnancy on here from now until the baby comes.  The due date I was given according to an early ultrasound was Sept 14th, but I don't think that's really accurate.  I'm thinking the due date is more like the 6th of Sept.  So I guess I'll just have to wait and see what the next few months bring.  I have had morning sickness or rather the "pregnancy sickness" pretty bad the last 6 weeks, but I think it's finally staring to taper off.  I've been extremely fatigued as well.  But what else can I do, I already have 5 other kids I am already a mother too.... good thing they are a bit older and can help take care of themselves on the days I feel really nasty.  And the poor kids eat a lot of cold cereal for dinner when I'm trying to be really lazy and not put forth much energy.  Oh well, hopefully I'll start getting more energy back, because I have a lot of WORK/STUFF to do before baby comes.  And some major purging of junk to make room for this new little one.  I'll post the story of how we found out another day, but just know things are relatively okay for now.

It's a little lesson in accepting the Lord's plan for us along with his timing, and not just thinking our plan is all that matters.  I'm grateful that I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and that I know families can be together forever through the priesthood authority that was restored to earth through the prophet Joseph Smith.  As frustrated and as stressed as I may get sometimes or days, my family really is my greatest blessing and joy.  I'm excited that I can be with them after this life as long as I live the way my Heavenly Father wishes me to live, by obeying the commandments and reading my scriptures, by praying and serving those around me.  I believe the Book of Mormon is a correct and true book. For the spirit that I feel while I'm reading the passages within it can not be duplicated any other way. 

I know there is a true prophet called of God on the Earth today, and I support him and his counselors and my other church leaders in their callings and in their service. 

This is part of my testimony and I leave this with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.