Friday, August 26, 2011

Tonight was our LUCKY NIGHT!!!

NO!!!! The baby isn't here yet.

But we did head out to the OREM OWLZ baseball game again tonight. The weather was great!! We had cloudy skies and the sun wasn't in our eyes, it wasn't too hot, we even had a few rain sprinkles but nothing too heavy.

But before we experience all the rain sprinkles, we were prepared to pay for parking as we always do, and the parking people waved us on in, so we parked for free. YAY!!!

While in the ball park, we were waiting for the game to start and one of the staff people asked if we had any kids that would like to do one of their in between innings games. So three of our five (Thomas, Heidi and Katherine)were in the little "HOT DOG" race. One of them represented Ketchup, while another was Mustard, and the other was Relish. And you watched a screen on the scoreboard, and then the kids more or less "spaz" out and pretend to race while basically staying in place. (Heidi was so wild, she even fell down!) We were laughing so HARD. They did a great job and with three of our kids in the "contest" we were guaranteed to come home winners. The result: Heidi who played the part of MUSTARD won the race and won an envelope full of "prizes". There were 3 Little Ceasars pizza vouchers that can be used there in the park. And three upgrade seat tickets. And several other free kids meal coupons that we may or may not use. THe other two kids ended up with a couple of free "Crazy Bread" coupons to use in a Little Ceasars location. Can you say S.C.O.R.E !!! YAY HEIDI. So we redeemed one of the pizza vouchers while at the game tonight.

Next Katherine ended up with one of the foul balls (AGAIN) I've lost count of how many we've gotten because of her. Oh, and I forgot that they were giving away "PENS" at the beginning of the game as well. So all of us ended up with a pack of three pens with string on them so you can hang them around your neck.

Then Thomas discovered that some booth was giving away some stuff and saw some squishy balls that just happened to be blue. And he went up and asked them if they had any of the balls, and the people gave him one, matter of fact they gave all of our kids one when they went up to the booth. Crazy times.

THEN.... there was another contest they were doing between innings and Kaylee ended up winning this one. And got three vouchers to redeem at Trafalga for any 2 activities. SWEET!! ( So as Thomas said...." Tonight was our LUCKY NIGHT!")

Not to mention the Owlz won the game 4-3 after the top of the 9th.

What a night. We definitely had some fun. Planning a fun day for tomorrow as well. Hope the weather will cooperate. Not sure exactly what we'll do, but hopefully it ends up being a good fun day for our family. Maybe I'll talk my husband into going out in the evening for one last little date night before the baby comes. haha.. (I'll see how that goes, though)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Happy Anniversary to my Mother and Father in law ....Part 2

We had a great weekend. Well mostly.

I made it through the entire Anniversary weekend celebrations for my in laws, and now Im ready to have my baby anytime she's ready!!

We started off with a family picture session on Saturday morning. IT. WAS. HOT!! and right when my little family was up for our family picture, the photographer was starting to take pictures and OUCH.... I was having a contraction right when she snapped the first picture....

YEah I know I look lovely don't I ?

But really this is how most of the pictures turned out... not with me having contractions, but just not as good as I was hoping.  But it's okay because we'll have to get a new picture taken for Christmas this year because we'll have our little Esther here within 2 weeks or less from tomorrow.

So we had group pictures taken of EVERYONE, those didn't turn out so great either ...
then of course, we had Grandma and Grandpa with all 21 grandchildren -- yeah that didn't work so well either.  I guess the point is that we have everyone in the picture regardless of whether they are all happy or not. 

We ended back at my sister in laws house for the big celebration open house and there was a decent turn out and lots of extended family that showed up.  So it was really fun to see all of them.  The book I made was well liked by everyone who saw it. Or rather I was told that they liked it.

Here are pictures of the quilt that was made for them.

This book was 193 pages  --- consisting of pictures that were donated and given to me to use for this project.  It took up pretty much my entire summer, and suffered from swollen feet most nights because of it.  But I do have to say there was a point that I was working on it, and I really did just want to throw in the towel and stop working on it altogether because I did frustrated here and there.   My house got neglected and is still suffering from the neglect all summer long.  (Except my bathroom is mostly clean right now but that's about it.)

But I stuck with this project, and kept forging onward, and there was a moment where I was overcome with extreme emotion and got a little teary eyed, because I realized how special this was, and the love and hard work that was put into it will really mean a lot to all of those who look at this through the years. 

I WAS GOING TO POST A PICTURE HERE OR TWO OR THREE, but it's not cooperating, and I'm going to get off now because my feet are really starting to hurt.  Wish I had a lap top right now, so I could sit back in my recliner and still be able to use the computer. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

Happy Anniversary to my Mother and Father in law ....Part 1

Tonight was the part 1 in a 2 part celebration for my in laws 50th Anniversary!!

My husband and I along with all of his siblings and their spouses or fiance gathered with his parents up in Salt Lake City at the top of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building at the The Roof Restaurant for a special evening. We enjoyed the food, and the company and the conversation, and the time came for the "tributes".

Each of the children took a few moments to make a special comment or two about their parents and share memories. They all did a great job!! I of course, was crying the whole time and had tears coming out my eyes the majority of the night. But there was definitely a special sweet spirit in that room with all of us tonight.

I did get a little HOT and uncomfortable but I managed to make it through. I did however have to stand and pace a little in what little space existed so that I could ease some of the pain in my back. After all the tributes were done, we presented to them the two gifts that we had all chipped in for. One being a beautiful custom made quilt and the other .... the project I was working on all summer long. I had gathered pictures from all of my husband's siblings and spent many hours scanning and putting together an Anniversary book for them. It was all digital and we had it printed. I think they liked it, and that's what I've been hoping to hear. It really is a special book, filled with love and lots of memories. One to be treasured for years to come!!

Now, we get to go tomorrow for Day 2 of celebrating and this will start off with a Family Picture.... I just seriously hope that it goes off without any problems and not too much chaos!! And then onto my sister in laws house for the rest of the day. I'm just hoping that my little baby decides to wait till after tomorrow before she wants to come. It really will make things a lot easier if she waits. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures tomorrow. Tonight I didn't get too many, but I'll make up for it tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Final week of Summer Break

Here I am at the closing of another summer break and my kids are about to start school once again. This year I'll have four in school ALL day and one little guy at home for just a few days until we have our little Esther. Then I'll have the two at home. I'm sure Ethan will be such a big help with his little sister that I'll just savor up each moment I get to spend with the two of them.

So as that time comes closer and closer, I can't help but feel like this summer has just flown by. Mainly because I was undertaking a huge project that I just finished up this last weekend. I'm glad to have that out of the way, and now I can really focus on getting my house dejunked now. The dejunking was put aside when I took on this project through delegation and then got sucked into it. But it can be revealed shortly what exactly it was, but until then it will have to remain a surprise.

I can't believe my children are growing so fast!! I'll have a first grader, a fourth grader, 6th grader and one in 7th grade this year. I seriously can't be this old already. Not to mention that baby 6, our little Esther will be here in just a few short weeks. But I guess it is possible to have all of this, when I started having kids in my early 20's.

The one thing about pregnancy that I wish I could capture would be movements this baby has been making for the last several months. I could do without the swollen feet, the pain in my back and other pregnancy side effects that make it feel like a miserable experience. But the movement I love!! Even the hurtful movements like she's trying to bust out of there... haha.

I'm still not quite ready for the little lady but I do believe I can get caught up within the next week or so and get to where I was hoping to be at the beginning of the summer before I had to take on a huge project that became my life for the last 2 months. But that's okay... it's all working out.

I'm completely overwhelmed with the thought of adding another child, but know that everything will work out somehow. I just need to have faith and know that I can do this. The kids are all excited, and Ethan seems to be the most excited. With school starting up and a new baby coming really soon.... the house work needs to be getting done on a regular basis, and as of late because of my project things were getting left undone. And by the time I've had a minute to do something, I chose to snooze, or sit down and do nothing instead. So I've got my work cut out for me and need to get a school schedule completed so that my kids will know what needs to be done and when. (And hoping that they will adapt to that very quickly).

So now I get ready to resume my normal life and get things back on track and develop our schedule all while feeling the life within me moving around as a constant reminder that things are about to change again. Here's to getting things done and not feeling quite so overwhelmed about being a new mommy again.